Adult ministry
Sunday School is a great place to invest in a small community of fellow believers. We offer three Sunday School hours for adults, so that no matter which worship service you attend you can always be part of a small group community. If you’re not sure where to begin, we encourage you to stop at the Welcome Center in the Atrium and talk to someone who can help you find where to start.
sunday school classes
Pathways - Room 211 - Ages from 50’s to 60's
Servants in Action - Room 208/209 - Ages from 60’s to 70's
Young Adults - Room 209 - Ages from 18 to 25
Cultivate - Room 206/207 - Ages from 20’s to 30’s
Foundations - Room 200 - Ages from 30’s to 40’s
Refuge - Room 211 - Ages from 30’s to 40’s
Journey Connect - Room 210 - Ages from 40’s to 50’s
Calvario - Room 101 - Spanish Speaking
Cross Talk - Room 210 - Ages from 50’s to 60’s
Back to the Bible - Room 206/207 - Ages from 60’s to 70’s
Encouragers - Room 208/209 - Ages from 70’s to 80’s
Catalyst - Room 211 - Ages 30’s to 40’s
Fellowship - Room 102 - Ages 80+

about our ministries
As Christian men, we were never intended to go it alone. We were designed by our Creator to connect with other Christian men – to encourage, support, and inspire each other in the adventures we live, through the battles we fight, and for the others we serve. With these ideas in mind, the FBC Men’s Ministry seeks to empower and equip men through Missions and outreach activities, ministries to meet the physical needs of others, and teaching and education.
The purpose of the First Ladies Ministry is to offer women of all age’s quality opportunities for personal growth and ministry. Women’s activities include weekly Bible study, conferences, and special events.
Senior adults
Senior adults contribute much to the life of our church and community. Our senior adult ministry offers a variety of opportunities for ministry and service. We also offer special times of study, fellowship, and travel. Senior adults enjoy fellowship and community in one of our SUNDAY SCHOOL classes. The monthly SENIOR ADULT NEWS provides news and information relevant to senior adult living. The SERENDIPITY CHOIR meets on Thursdays at 9:30 AM. The MYSTERY LUNCH finds our senior adults at a different location each month.
home groups
Home groups are small groups of people who meet together to study the Bible, pray and build community. Home groups are pictures of the church in microcosm, an expression of the larger church family that offers a place of growing trust, and somewhere you can be open, honest, and real as you find encouragement on your Christian journey.
DR. Charles Smith, Minister of Education
Charles began his ministry with FBC in February 1988 as Minister of Children and became Minister of Education in March of 2006. He is a graduate of Ouachita Baptist, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Dallas Baptist University. Charles and his wife, Debbie, have two adult children, Erin and Jordan, and two grandsons, Buster and Canon.