God Cares for You Physically

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Read – (2 1/2 minutes) “Do not eat any detestable thing. These are the animals you may eat . . .you are a people holy to the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 14:3-21)

   Passage: Mark 7:14-20

       As the children of Israel prepared to go into the Promised Land, Moses reminded them of some dietary laws that they were to follow. In general, they could eat animals that grazed on grass and plants with some exceptions, fish that had fins and scales, and birds that that ate only seeds and small insects. Meat-eating animals and birds, pork and seafood like shrimp and catfish were all forbidden in their diet. The foundation of the diet was God’s care for them and the fact that they were holy, or set apart for God.

        The diet God gave the people was different than the diet of the pagan people in the land of Israel. The diet consisted of foods that were low in fat and easily digestible, so it was actually a very healthy diet. Following the diet also showed their dedication to being obedient to God’s Word. While that diet is a good one, it is not a legalistic requirement for God’s children today. Jesus expressly declared all food “clean”. The key principle for believers is to know that God cares for us physically. The food you eat doesn’t make you a better Christian. If you eat poorly and don’t exercise, you may be a bigger Christian, but you won’t be a better one. Give God thanks for the food you eat. Be a steward of your body in your diet, but always know that God cares for you and He wants you to be the best you can be for Him.

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God Cares for You Financially


God Cares for You Emotionally