Touch Lives for Jesus

Pray - (1/2 minute)

Read - (2 1/2 minutes) - “Simeon took Him in his arms and praised God. . .” (Luke 2:28)

Passage: Matthew 25:31-40

In the book, “The Blessing”, by Gary Smalley and John Trent, the authors share the importance and meaning of Blessing in the scripture and how to give a blessing to our families and others. They point out that one aspect of the blessing is to convey love and support through meaningful touch. They tell a story that is common of a little girl who ran into her parents bedroom during a thunderstorm one night. She was scared and wanted to get in bed with her mommy and daddy. Her daddy said, “Don’t worry about the storm honey. God will protect you.” The girl replied, “I know that daddy, but right now I just need someone with skin on.”
In this world, you are “Jesus with skin on.” People in the world do not just need to hear about the love and care of Christ. They need to see it and they will see it when believer’s like you get involved in ministry. That kind of involvement was demonstrated by Simeon when he took baby Jesus in his arms. He didn’t keep his distance from the baby. He held Jesus close to his heart. You do that when you get involved in serving in your local church and in ministering to people outside the four walls of your church facility. When you get involved in service, you will give a blessing to other and you will experience the blessing of Christmas all year long in return.

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Touch Lives through Intercession


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