Rise Up with Discipline in Your LIfe

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (2 1/2 minutes) – “David reigned over all Israel, doing what was just and right for all his people.” (1 Chronicles 18:14)  
  Passage: Psalm 1:1-6

         The books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles record the history of Israel’s kingship until the exile into Babylon. 1 and 2 Chronicles follows the history of the kings, but it’s primary focus was to share whether, or not, the king at the time did what was right or what was wrong in the eyes of the Lord. The writer of Chronicles makes the same statement about King David that is shared by the writer of Samuel in 2 Samuel 8:15, but he does not share any details of David’s life that are recorded in 2 Samuel 9-11. Those chapters talk about David’s care of Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth in chapter 9, and a victory over the Ammonites in chapter 10. Chapter 11 shares David’s sin with Bathsheba and when asking how David could fall so far, the one thing that stands out is that David quit being disciplined in that period of his life. There is no record of his seeking God in chapters 9 or 10 and chapter 11 tells us that David stayed home instead of going out with his army.
        Yesterday’s experience with God is not enough for today’s need for spiritual strength. The root of discipleship is discipline and God wants us to be disciplined in our lives in order to be the best we can be for Him. Have a daily Quiet Time, be consistent in worship and service. Take care of yourself physically. All these are more are ways you can rise up with discipline and stand strong for the Lord.   

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