Receive Christ

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (2 1/2 minutes) – “. . . He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11b)
     Passage: Romans 1:16-23

         A few years ago, a survey was answered by 931 academic philosophy instructors at universities. One part of the survey asked if the philosopher was an atheist (believe there is no God), a theist (believe there is a God), or other (believe there may or may not be a God.) 73% said they were atheists and only 15% claimed to be theists. If that survey was truly reflective, it means that 85% of those who try to explain life do so without putting God in their explanation. That is not only academically arrogant, but it is intellectually foolish.
        Solomon searched for meaning without God, but he observed that everyone knows deep down that there must be a Creator. In Psalms 14:1, David wrote, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ The religions of the world are the attempts of man to reach up to a God they know must exist, but they can’t see. The natural mind then figures that if we earn everything else, we must have to work and earn the favor of the Creator. The gospel tells us the opposite. We don’t have to reach up to God. He reached down to us and became a man, Jesus. He died for our sin, was buried and rose again. When you received Him, you receive eternal life where time is no more. That is good news!

Apply - (2 1/2 minutes)

Pray - (1 1/2 minutes)


Relax in God’s Provision and Revere Him


Rejoice That God has a Plan