Gentleness is Submissive to Christ
Pray – (1/2 minute)
Read – (2 1/2 minutes) – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)
Passage: James 4:1-10
Since one picture of meekness is taming a wild horse, I wondered if I could find a list of steps to take and found one that said, “How to train a wild horse.” The first step said, “Catch the horse.” As I laughed at the obviousness of that step, it reminded me that gentleness/meekness, like every other characteristic in the fruit of the Spirit, requires that a person first be “caught by Jesus”. Since God doesn’t coerce anyone to follow Christ, being caught means you have voluntarily responded to the invitation to come to Christ, believe in Him and confess Him as Lord.
To develop gentleness as a character, you must submit yourself to Christ. Submission is a transfer of your right to live independently from God and choosing to follow Jesus as Lord. In His open invitation to come, Jesus describes a yoke He invites you to share. That yoke is double yoke. When you attach yourself to Jesus by faith and let Him guide you, He will enable you to be productive for His Kingdom. True freedom in life doesn’t come from being independent from God. It is found in submission to Christ and letting Him have rule over your life. Follow His loving leadership and let Him tame the wild horse in you.
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Pray - (1 1/2 minutes)