Pray – (1/2 minute)
Read – (2 1/2 minutes) – “Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses’ face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end, will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory?” (2 Corinthians 3:7-8)
Passage: Psalm 105:1-6
A man who, who I’ll call Joe, worked in a tough job was known as being a heavy drinker with a hot temper and a foul mouth. By God’s grace, He came to believe in Christ and his life was radically changed. His co-workers noticed the change immediately and decided make fun of him. One said, “Hey Joe, I hear you found religion. Do you believe Jesus really turned water into wine?” Joe replied, “Well, I haven’t heard about that, but I know this. He turned beer into furniture in my house.” Jesus makes life different.
Moses experienced God in a special way. He spent time in God’s presence and the impact of that time caused his face to glow so much, the people were afraid to look at him. Because of that, he covered his face with a veil when he went out in public and he took off the veil when he went in to talk with God. Paul tells us that the difference Jesus makes is greater than that for us. His faithfulness in you and your faithfulness to Him will result in a difference that is noticeable to others. It will be seen in how you talk, how you respond to trials, how you care for others and the priorities you have in life. Live a faithful life in Christ and let the world see the difference in you.
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Pray - (1 1/2 minutes)