You Can Rest in His Presence

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (2 1/2 minutes) – “. . . I am with you. . .”
    (Matthew 8:20b)
      Passage: John 14:15-27

        One of the saddest realities in the world is to see children who have to removed, through no fault of their own, from their homes by child protective services for their safety. These children are typically scared, lonely, and often hungry and in need of clean clothes. Our church has been part of a ministry called Isaiah 117, that has built a home and organized loving volunteers to provide a safe, comforting place for CPS worker to bring children when there is not a ready family member or foster home available immediately. The volunteers provide the presence of caring people who allow children to know they are not alone.
        The disciples felt scared and alone when Jesus died and was buried. The resurrection changed everything and turned their despair into joy, but I’m sure they still wondered how they would be able to fulfill His command to “make disciples of all nations”. The answer lay in what He had told them the night before He was crucified and reiterated before His ascension. They would not do is alone. He would come back to dwell in them through the Holy Spirit and He would give His peace. When you know Jesus, you can rest in His presence. He is with you. You are never alone.

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Pray - (1 1/2 minutes)


You Can Rely on His Promises


Never Alone