Service is an Investment in People

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Read – (2 1/2 minutes) – “It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for Him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved His own who were in the world, He now showed them the full extent of His love.” (John 13:1)
       Passage: Mark 9:33-41 

      The Greek word, agape, which is one of four words in the Greek language for love, was a word rarely used in Greek culture. That is because agape refers to love that is self-less, sacrificial and serving. It does not depend on the recipient being nice, deserving or appreciative. It is a willful choice and commitment that does not withhold itself based on emotion. That kind of love was not praised in Greek culture, but it is the love that Jesus demonstrated and wants His followers to put into practice.

        Jesus showed agape love in the service He did by washing the feet of every one of His disciples. All of them would abandon Him later that evening. Peter would deny Him. Judas would betray Him. Yet, He washed all their feet, and He would die on the cross for them and for us the following day. His love and service were an investment that made a difference in their lives. The foot-washing made things better temporarily. The cross made things better eternally. Both were showing how His love was total, complete, and continual. Serve others with agape love as an investment and make a difference in their lives for Christ.    

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Service is an Intentional Lifestyle


Serve Like Jesus