Be Diligent in Your Work and Finances

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Read – (2 1/2 minutes) – “Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.” (Ecclesiastes 11:1)
      Passage: Psalm 67:1-7

        Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes in the latter years of his life. He wrote to share how his search for meaning in life, or under the sun, was a failure if you ignore God and take Him out your life’s equation. The first half of the book describes all of the ways he searched for meaning. The final half shares wisdom of what he learned. Solomon understood that how one works and handles money is a vital part of living well and that God has principles to His people.
      One principle is to be diligent in your work and finances. Casting bread upon the waters refers to consistently and intentionally engage in work or being generous. Life is uncertain and you don’t have a guarantee of seeing a positive result immediately, but you should still give your best and do it consistently. In your finances, being money wise is to develop a sound financial plan and budget that honors God and recognizes that you are a steward and God is the owner. One plan using percentages, sets a goal of 10% - giving, 10% saving (or paying off credit card debts so you can save more), 80% to budget for all living expenses. Diligence and consistency will bring blessings to your life.

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